Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 171: Bear (2010) poster

Celebrate good times — come on! It is time for celebration here on Horror Movie Weekly, because here with Episode 171, we have reached a magnificent milestone… With this episode, we celebrate 100 episodes since Mister Watson joined the HMW hosting roster and figurative rostrum! As the creator of the show, Jay of the Dead sincerely believes that adding Watson as a host is the single greatest thing that has ever happened to Horror Movie Weekly. Indeed, Watson is our “secret weapon.” To celebrate, our favorite little polar bear has selected as our spoiler-filled Feature Review, BEAR (2010), a film that Jay has wanted to discuss with Watson for years! Jay of the Dead and Mister Watson also bring you dual coverage of Watson’s pick for Jay, as they double-team their Micro Horror Movie Review of one of the only polar bear Horror movies, “Unnatural” (2015)! And by all means, whatever you do, please be sure to stick around after this episode — all the way to the very end — so you can hear the worldwide debut of a stupendous song called “Polar Bear Dreams”, courtesy of MonkeyBone and Ai. Thanks for listening.

Note: Depending on the time zone you’re referring to, this episode was recorded on June 19 and June 20 (but one night!) of 2024.

You are welcome to email our show at [email protected], or call and leave us a voicemail at our new number: (801) 980-1375. You can also follow Horror Movie Weekly on X: @horror_weekly.

This weekly Horror movie podcast brings you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (As noted previously, we’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years or the current year; so now that it’s 2024, we’ll be covering Horror films from 2019 to the present.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Thanks for listening!


[ 00:00:01 ]Introduction

  • Welcome to Horror Movie Weekly, Episode 171
  • 100 episodes for Mister Watson!
  • Real-life Horror: California woman mauled by “Big Bastard”
  • Call and leave us a voicemail: (801) 980-1375

Micro Horror Movie Review:

[ 00:06:00 ] – Unnatural (2015)
Jay of the Dead = 5 ( Low-priority Rental )
Mister Watson = 5.5 ( Low-priority Rental )

Unnatural (2015) Horror movie poster

Mr. Watson icon Feature Review: BEAR (2010) – Mister Watson’s pick

[ 00:23:30 ] – BEAR (2010) (SPOILERS!)

Genre Classification: Drama / Mystery / Thriller / Survival Horror

Two young couples are under siege, trapped inside a mini van, while a man-eating grizzly bear tries to attack them.

Ratings and Recommendations:
Jay of the Dead = 7.5 ( Buy for Jay / Stream for most )
Mister Watson = 6 ( Stream on Tubi )

2010 Horror Movie BEAR

Jay of the Dead icon Jay of the Dead’s pick for the next episode:

Ep. 172: Rent-A-Pal (2020)

Rent-A-Pal (2020) Horror Movie

– Be sure to listen all the way to the end to hear “POLAR BEAR DREAMS,” a production created courtesy of MonkeyBone and Ai.
– And be sure you don’t miss NHM: Mister Watson’s Collectors Episode — A MUST-LISTEN!

Special thanks to website developer Jaxon Carroll and graphic designer Trump Widdop for their excellent work in helping Horror Movie Weekly to have a nice, new website. Thank you!


Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast links:
Email: [email protected]
Voicemail: (801) 980-1375
Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Subscribe via Spotify
Subscribe via Deezer

Links for Mister Watson:
Podcast: Horror Movie Weekly
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show / Horror Corridor

Links for Jay of the Dead:
Horror Movie Weekly.com
Considering the Cinema.com
Movie Podcast Weekly.com
HMW Twitter: @horror_weekly
CTC Twitter: @ConsiderCinema

Links for Channy Dreadful:
Check out Channy’s new Instagram: @ChantelSkates
Check out Channy’s TikTok
Channy on Facebook
Twitter: @ChannyDreadful
Jay recommends Channy’s Article on Cujo
Channy on Hereditary with Ron Martin on The Resurrection of Zombie 7 Podcast
Channy Dreadful Archives on The Resurrection of Zombie 7
Instagram: Strawberry Crush Creations

Link for Projectile Varmint:
No Bodies Horror Podcast

— BillChete and Lady Phantom’s other podcast:
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BillChete on Letterboxd
Lady Phantom on Letterboxd
Jay of the Dead on Letterboxd

Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com

Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74

Thank you for listening to Horror Movie Weekly, One Badass Horror Podcast.


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Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
1 month ago

Halloween (1978)–the opening scene where Michael kills his sister, the pattern on the curtains in her bedroom, behind her as Michael is stabbing, is that The Shape of. . . .

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
1 month ago
Reply to  Kaiju Nick

Keep these observations coming, my friend!!!!!!

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
1 month ago
Reply to  Mister Watson

I had to go tell Gregamortis!

Eric Webster
Eric Webster
1 month ago

I enjoyed listening to your discussion about bear movies. I was wondering what you thoughts are on The Edge. Technically not horror, but I’d dare claim it’s probably scarier than the movies you discussed in this episode..

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
1 month ago
Reply to  Eric Webster

I ADORE The Edge. My dad owned this movie back in the VHS days, and he would put it on quite often. I’d say that I’ve seen it more than 10 times… easy. And yes, I agree that it’s scarier than any of the movies Jay and I talked about… no doubt about that!

Eric, you are the best.

Cole J
Cole J
1 month ago

I watched Bear right before listening to this review (as in, the credits were still playing when I started listening to the review) and I have to say…

JAY, YOU’RE COPING!! Haha but seriously, this writing pretty clearly points to this film having supernatural underpinnings in my opinion. I also never actually found the bear scary. The character drama did pull me in to an extent even though it constantly shot itself in the foot. For instance, I didn’t see the reveal involving Sam’s wife coming — same as you!…because they didn’t set it up until 15 minutes before the film ends. You quite literally CAN’T see it coming.

Not to mention that the big (anti)climactic showdown was two characters walking behind the car, one at a time, followed by guitar bonking sound effects. I don’t even think they screamed or grunted as they died. Next thing we know the bear is behind our final character waiting to pass karmic judgment on them.

That said, I did have fun with the movie in a so-bad-it’s-good way. It wasn’t good or even great in that regard, but I didn’t turn it off or fast forward through the slow parts either.

4/10, low priority Rental if you like low budget survival horror.

I’ve got to start liking these beastly freaks before Jay ban’s my IP address from accessing his network of podcasts!! (I watched Black Water off your recommendation from HMP or The Weekly Horror Movie Podcast, whichever show you reviewed it on, and I liked it, so I’m not totally impervious to the terrifying tenacity of these Freaky Beasties!)

P.S. I’m super excited to hear your review of Rent-A-Pal. It’s an 8/10 for me based off my first and only watch. Might have to catch back up with it when the episode drops.

Last edited 1 month ago by Cole J
Mister Watson
Mister Watson
1 month ago
Reply to  Cole J

Cole, I have no argument against what you’re saying here, man. LOL. I was trying to allow this movie to work its magic… magic that Jay definitely felt… but you heard me struggling with the notion that this is just a normal bear. Haha. I still hate the ending! I’m firm on that! 😉

And dude… you will be pleased with our Rent-A-Pal review. I’m hoping you’ll comment on that episode because I have one particular spoiler-filled question I want to ask you. Until then, my friend!