Ep. 013 - BrightBurn 2019

“Up, up, and away, away from me. Well, it’s all right. You can all sleep sound tonight. I’m not crazy or anything.” Welcome to lucky No. Episode 013, a super episode of Horror Movie Weekly, where your favorite late-night Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead, BillChete, and Lady Phantom, review BrightBurn (2019). This episode leads your hosts to discuss pumpkin pie, puberty, eyeball injuries and other uncomfortable topics.

On Horror Movie Weekly, your late-night Horror hosts Jay of the Dead, BillChete and Lady Phantom bring you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening!


— Happy Thanksgiving
— What BillChete and Lady Phantom will be doing for Thanksgiving
— Jay’s love of pumpkin pie
– Jay’s non-Horror Thanksgiving movie recommendation: Krisha (2015)
– BillChete’s pick for this week: BrightBurn (2019)

BrightBurn (2019) — Genre Classification: Horror / Fantasy / Evil Kid / Alien Invasion
It’s basically the Superman story, where a boy comes to Earth from outer space and has near invincibility with incredible super powers, except this movie asks, “What if that super boy were evil?” We would be screwed.

Ratings and Recommendations: BrightBurn (2019)
Jay of the Dead = 8 ( Buy it! ) – Second viewing revised rating
BillChete = 6 ( Buy it! )
Lady Phantom = 8.5 ( Buy it! )

Next on Episode 014: Crawl (2019) — Lady Phantom’s pick!

Podcast artwork: Lady Phantom
Original podcast theme music: Jay of the Dead

Links for this episode:

Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com

Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74

Jay of the Dead’s film blog / solocast: ConsideringTheCinema.com
Jay’s HORROR-only content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com

Pyles Digital Media Podcast Production Services: Email Natalie at [email protected]


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5 years ago

This is a movie I had been skipping on because I felt oversaturated on super hero content, but after hearing Bill Chete talk about it, I figured there was enough stuff to peak my interest. I am renting it later tonight. Hopefully I dig it. Thanks for your great review!

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
5 years ago
Reply to  necrozen

Glad you gave it a chance. I hope you let us know what you thought of it! Thanks for your comments!

5 years ago

Great it’s definitely an entertaining movie and I think you will enjoy it. While I’ve been over saturated with super hero movies for a long time, this horror slant provides something cool and some incredible gore.

Thanks for listening and commenting necrozen!

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
5 years ago

Hearing bill chete talking about girls getting periods & boys growing hair was very odd to hear lol & no this kid is NOT an anti hero he’s straight up evil bad guy villain so bill chete is right again! Sorry jay & phantom but u gotta bow down to the master lol u the man bill…

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
5 years ago
Reply to  Tony Smith

You’re right, he was. Thanks for your comments!

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
5 years ago
Reply to  Lady Phantom

My pleasure, thanks for responding!

5 years ago

Lol Tony, thanks for the praise and listening to our podcast!

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
5 years ago
Reply to  BillChete

My pleasure brother. You’re the man! 🤘

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
5 years ago

My pleasure brother. You’re the man! 🤘

5 years ago

Thanks Tony.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

Sean Smith
Sean Smith
5 years ago

Sorry guys, I’ve had quite a tough 10 days or so, but I have so much to be thankful for. This episode really gave me a spot of fun when I was finally able to listen to it, so thank you for that. Superhero movies are the biggest money making genre of film right now. We are currently in a new golden age of horror, which is also a hugely profitable film genre. It is only natural to have these genre mashups and many of them are highly successful in what they are trying to do. I think Brightburn is the most obvious of mashups for horror/superhero movies. It is expertly made and very effective. Those two scenes you mention are some of the best of the year. I thought the characters were weak, but that is my only criticism. The story had to be what it was and all the technical aspects of the film were top notch. I rated it an 8/10 and a buy. I’m glad you all enjoyed it.

I just got done listening to the Crawl episode and am going there next….

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
5 years ago
Reply to  Sean Smith

Thank you for taking the time, Sean. We are grateful for your insight every week.

Victoria Smith
5 years ago

The atmosphere of the film and the overall impression are not maximized. If James Gunn made the film himself, the result would have been more successful and more complete. However, the film is original and the script is good. I’ll go to the cinema for the next part (if it’ll be shot).