Ep. 020: It Chapter Two 2019

You’ll float, too! On Episode 020 of Horror Movie Weekly, your three late-night Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead, BillChete and Lady Phantom review It Chapter Two (2019). This episode contains major plot spoilers for the novel “It” and all the movie adaptations: 1990 TV mini series, 2017 and 2019.

On Horror Movie Weekly, your late-night Horror hosts Jay of the Dead, BillChete and Lady Phantom bring you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening!


— Happy birthday to BillChete on Jan. 7
– Joaquin Phoenix wins Best Actor for “Joker” at the Golden Globes
Ep. 016: The Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade – All Genres
— BillChete comments on “The Head Hunter”
— Why “Tigers Are Not Afraid” is overrated
— BillChete’s updates of his Top 10 of 2019 lists
— “Boar,” “The Furies,” “I’ll Take Your Dead”
— PSA: The Grudge (2020) – Hear Jay’s short review here: Ep. 015: The Grudge (2020)
— “Dracula” (2020) on Netflix
— HorrorGuyBri requests an HMW review of “The Dark”
– Lady Phantom’s pick for this week: It Chapter Two (2019)

It Chapter Two (2019) — Genre Classification: Horror / Fantasy / Drama / Alien / Beastly Freak Creature Feature

27 years after the events of “It” (2017) — or “It Chapter One,” Pennywise the Dancing Clown has resurfaced in Derry, Maine, which means the seven members of The Losers Club (now grown adults) must keep their promise to band together again to destroy the Killer Klown From Outer Space, once and for all.

Ratings and Recommendations: It Chapter Two (2019)
Jay of the Dead = 7.5 ( Rental )
BillChete = 5 ( Avoid — unless you’re scared of clowns )
Lady Phantom = 5.5 ( If you own Chapter One, buy it; If you don’t own Chapter One, rent )

Next on Episode 021: The Corpse of Anna Fritz (2015) — Jay of the Dead’s pick! We will also have a give-away of “Otis” (2008) and “Daybreakers” (2009).

Podcast artwork: Lady Phantom
Original podcast theme music: Jay of the Dead

Links for this episode:

Don’t miss the recent Top 10 shows:
— NEW: The Top 10 Movies of the 2010s Decade – All Genres
— Jay of the Dead on Movie Podcast Weekly’s Top 10 Movies (All Genres) of 2019
— Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019 with special guest Lady Phantom!
— Jay of the Dead’s The Top 10 Horror Movies of the 2010s Decade, with special guests GregaMortis and Ron Martin!
— Jay of the Dead on Movie Podcast Weekly’s Top 10 Movies (All Genres) of 2019

Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com

Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74

Jay of the Dead’s film blog / solocast: ConsideringTheCinema.com
Jay’s HORROR-only content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com

Pyles Digital Media Podcast Production Services: Email Natalie at [email protected]


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Sean Smith
Sean Smith
5 years ago

Hello HMW, FYI, my home network is down due to physical wire upgrades and I have no Internet right now and have not been able to listen to this episode. I am hoping this will be fixed this week, but it might take longer. I can’t use the network at the office either, and have limited mobile access, but I will let you know when everything is fixed and I have working Internet back. Thanks so much, Sean

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
5 years ago
Reply to  Sean Smith

Thanks for the update, Sean. Looking forward to your thoughts on the episode! Hope everything gets fixed asap!

Sean Smith
Sean Smith
5 years ago

Well, that was a nightmare, but happy to have heard this episode even if a little late. I do agree with Bill on The Head Hunter. I wasn’t too impressed with this one that Jay reviewed so highly. I saw it earlier in the year, last year and it just underwhelmed me. The whole reanimation concept didn’t work for me. I also agree that Tigers is very overrated. It’s not even horror. It has some fantasy elements, but any fatalities are the result of a gunshot and the whole part with the cell phone was pretty ridiculous.

I appreciate your review of IT Chapter 2, and would not try to change your minds. I understand if the adaptation isn’t what you would like to see. I look at the books and films as separate works. I admit the story isn’t very believable, but this is typical of King’s work overall. I just happen to enjoy Muschietti’s film version of this story. I love all the call backs to classic horror movies as well as enjoy these characters. These movies are both fun and scary and therefore bring entertainment value for me, which is why I like them.

The Corpse of Anna Fritz is on my Shudder list and of course it is no longer available to stream there. I gotta say, I wasn’t looking forward to seeing this film anyway. It’s like $20 for the DVD, but since your review, I’m going to take a hard pass on it. When a person dies, the corpse goes cold and stiff. A dead person is very tough to confuse as alive. It seems the premise doesn’t really work here.

I know Bill is a little critical of mixed genre classification in movies. I have a little different take in that the horror genre in the last few years has grown in both popularity and influence, especially as the movies get better, what you have is other genre films including horror elements as an influence. In other words, a film maker wants to make a comedy; so he makes a comedy that also includes some horror in it. The film maker is influenced as a fan and also wants to capture a piece of the horror market, because horror movie fans buy movie tickets. This is not a bad thing. We have pure horror movies and now, we have all other genre movies that also include horror elements. As far as how it affects lists, that it is different matter. If Tigers Are Not Afraid is considered horror, what isn’t on the table? It isn’t ideal, but it’s a small price to pay for the growth and maturity of the genre.

I’ll post my 2019 list next episode, but this was very enjoyable and I really loved this episode everyone and appreciate all of your work with this awesome podcast, so thank you!

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
5 years ago
Reply to  Sean Smith

Sean, I’m really glad you were finally able to sort that out. Welcome back!
I agree with you about most of what you said:
Head Hunter: 🙄 boring. A brave attempt at LOTR type cinematography, but not much more.
The Corpse: Right??? I mean, that in itself makes no sense.
Tigers: definitely. That “magical realism” is a thing in Mexico, and I’ve never really been a fan. There aren’t many movies like that there, but there are some. And seldom do they make real sense. This was more realistic, especially because there are children that have been orphaned by violence and different circumstances. But this place seems devoid of adults, except for the henchmen of this guy. And seriously, why does he want the phone back anyway? The police won’t get involved our arrest him! How did the kid figure out the password? Sigh. It was a very good attempt, but without a solid story, there isn’t much to do.
It: I definitely see your point. Two years ago I was actually pissed off about the adaptation; not so much anymore. My only problem is that they kept advertising that the adaptation was SO much better, when it really wasn’t. Just say you’re going to do your own version of the thing. But you’re right, they are good, scary horror movies.
Once again, so glad to have you back. Read you soon!

Sean Smith
Sean Smith
5 years ago

Thanks so much Phantom 🙂 Quick synopsis. The outside line from the street had to be replaced, then all the inside lines needed to be redone by a third party, then the final connections could be done. It was not a fun process at all, but I’m just glad I didn’t have to pay for it!

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
5 years ago
Reply to  Sean Smith

Wow, what a nightmare. Glad it’s over!