Ep. 036: Come to Daddy 2020

Who’s your daddy? That’s right. Horror Movie Weekly, One Badass Horror Podcast… In Episode 036, your three late-night Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead, BillChete, and Lady Phantom bring you a Feature Review of Come to Daddy (2020). Naturally, this review leads to some debate about genre classification. Is this movie a Crime film or a Horror film — or both? This discussion leads to Jay’s “Come to Daddy” commitment to always watch movies before choosing them to ensure that Jay believes he is picking a Horror film to review.

Note: This episode was recorded on April 12, 2020, and released on May 3, 2020.

On Horror Movie Weekly, your late-night Horror hosts Jay of the Dead, BillChete and Lady Phantom bring you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening!


– Bjork’s Dancer in the Dark
– Our Top 10 Horror of 2019 lists are on the website

Various Horror Movie Weekly minutiae:
– Jay’s ratings of his Top 10 list
– Co-hosts’ Horror movie-watching habits
– Hosting Horror podcasts
– Cut Bank (2015) – Crime Drama that features a Slasher killer
– Jay of the Dead’s pick for this week: Come to Daddy (2020)

[ 00:20:24 ] – Come to Daddy (2020) — Genre Classification: Drama / Crime / Horror

A man in his thirties is summoned to visit his father’s remote cabin. But since the father abandoned the family when the son was very young, the son is not sure how this meeting will go or what his father’s intentions are for requesting a visit…

Ratings and Recommendations: Come to Daddy (2020)
Jay of the Dead = 4 ( Avoid )
BillChete = 6 ( Rental )
Lady Phantom = 6 ( Rental )

Next on Episode 037: Trick (2019) — BillChete’s pick!

Podcast artwork: Lady Phantom
Original podcast theme music: Jay of the Dead

Links for this episode:

Listen to Jay’s new episode of Considering the Cinema: Ep. 024: 1BR (2020), Party Hard Die Young (2020)

Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com

Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74

Follow your HMW hosts on Letterboxd:
Lady Phantom
Jay of the Dead

Jay of the Dead’s film blog / solocast: ConsideringTheCinema.com
Jay’s HORROR-only content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com

Pyles Digital Media Podcast Production Services: Email Natalie at [email protected]


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Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
4 years ago

Let’s do this, people!

4 years ago
Reply to  Lady Phantom

First of all, thank you so much to Jay for selecting ‘Come to Daddy’. I had a really fun Saturday night with my kettle-chips, pizza, ice-cream, and a decent horror movie. Thanks for the pick, Jay-of-the-Dead!

Yes, it’s a horror movie, Jay, have to agree with Bill Chete & Lady Phantom. I agree with their ratings too, this movie is about a 6/10, rental.

As for my own opinion on genre classification, I’d say it is:
#1 Satire, Farce
#2 Horror
#3 Comedy
#4 Drama

I think this is a satire of upper class Beverley hills people and their dumb-ass children. Elijah Wood is the dumb-ass child. His presentation of himself is a lie; he has addiction problems, and he makes melodramatic suicide actions to get attention. The haircut, mustache, dress, all contribute to his character, and Elijah Wood’s acting was very good on this angle, I think.

Madeleine Sami in those coroner scenes were not filler, by the way; her purpose is to show us more of the self centered depravity of the Elijah Wood character.

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
4 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

Great insight, Nicolas. I think you have a very good point there.

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
4 years ago

Not to complain but c’mon guys give us some straight up horror movie reviews not comedy drama horror true story documentary reviews…

On a good note i’m enjoying listening to bill & jay of the dead on the weekly horror movie podcast. Listening to these episodes with bill make me so happy especially hearing him diss HORRORble movies like paranormal activity & blair witch project. I’m proud to be your horror spirit animal bill.

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Smith

Hahaha… Jay, Tony is talking to you…

4 years ago

Good point Nicolas! Jay lost his marbles on this one not thinking it is horror.

Lol Tony, thanks!

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  BillChete

Thanks brother!

Ok so making this comment since the leprechaun returns post has so many comments it’s best to comment here but today I watched leprechaun returns & well I don’t like it. I kept waiting for it to be over. I got a lot of freddy vs jason vibes from this movie & that movie stinks. I got other freddy krueger vibes as well plus final destination, childs play 2 & army of darkness scenes. While the leprechaun looked cool my god I couldn’t get over his voice as it took me out of believing this could be a sequel to the original. How u get Jennifer Aniston’s voice down pat but do so bad on the leprechaun? Why was ozzie a ghost? Anyway kills were good enough & had some good visuals but not a good movie so 3/10 avoid.

Saw the grudge 2020 & it was Boring! 2/10 avoid

Saw fantasy island & that’s barely a horror movie mostly a fantasy/ action film so Do Not Review That Movie or put it on any horror list “Jay” but still liked it 6.5/10 Rental/Stream.

Lady Phantom
Lady Phantom
4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Smith

Tony, I think Ozzy was a ghost because the leprechaun was “reborn” from him or something like that. I could be wrong, but I think that’s what happened.

Tony Smith
Tony Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Lady Phantom

Good guess Lady Phantom. I’ll take it!