Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 107: Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021

Happy New Year! 2021 is behind us, and we’re about to embark on new Horror podcasting adventures in 2022. Welcome to Horror Movie Weekly, One Badass Horror Podcast! It is the highly anticipated, long-awaited Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021 show, Episode 107, featuring three very good Top 10 lists from your hosts, Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson and Projectile Varmint! This year Jay is doing something unusual for the Top 10 show: There are no ties allowed. No Honorable Mentions. No other categories! We are committing confidently to each host choosing a solid 10 Horror movies that represent the best of what we saw in 2021. This exciting episode also has a number of free Horror movie DVD and Blu-ray prize give-aways — as well as the grand prize: 8 Criterion Horror Blu-rays! Best of all, we have HUGE news where we announce the launch of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies! Thanks for your patience. Jay was very sorry and mortified by this late release, but onward and upward. Also, you are welcome to call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 215-9704.

Note: This episode was recorded on December 30, 2021 and was released on Jan. 3, 2021.

This weekly Horror movie podcast brings you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years, so now that it’s 2022, we’ll be covering Horror films from 2017 to the present.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening!


[ 00:00:01 ] – Introduction
– Putting together our Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021 lists
– Fighting the temptation to build a sexier, less predictable Top 10 list

[ 00:11:32 ] – Horror Movie Weekly’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021

Mister Watson’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021
1. Psycho Goreman (2021)
2. Titane (2021)
3. Halloween Kills (2021)
4. A Quiet Place Part II (2021)
5. Blood Red Sky (2021)
6. Last Night in Soho (2021)
7. Willy’s Wonderland (2021)
8. Detention (2021)
9. The Medium (2021)
10. Malignant (2021)

Projectile Varmint’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021
1. Broadcast Signal Intrusion (2021)
2. Caveat (2021)
3. Sator (2021)
4. A Quiet Place Part II (2021)
5. The Feast (2021)
6. Blood Red Sky (2021)
7. Coming Home in the Dark (2021)
8. The Mare (2021)
9. The Medium (2021)
10. Malignant (2021)

Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021
1. Blood Red Sky (2021)
2. Saint Maud (2021)
3. Separation (2021)
4. A Quiet Place Part II (2021)
5. Don’t Breathe 2 (2021)
6. Last Night in Soho (2021)
7. Antlers (2021)
8. Candyman (2021)
9. The Vigil (2021)
10. Caveat (2021)

**ANNOUNCING: JAY OF THE DEAD’S NEW HORROR MOVIES – Jay of the Dead introduces you to his all-star team of veteran horror podcast hosts, including Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker, The Gillman Joel Robertson, Mister Watson and Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop! Your five hosts will bring you reviews of new horror movie releases, five Horror-themed Specialty Segments, and a group Feature Review of one older Horror movie, selected by one of your hosts, from John Kenneth Muir’s “Horror Films of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s” book series.

HEAR IT NOW: Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies

Listen to Jay of the Dead’s review of Don’t Breathe 2 on the Kill the Dead Podcast!

Free Horror Movie Give-Away Listener Drawings:
– Caveat (DVD) = Winner: Horror Heart
– Mayhem (DVD) = Winner: Mike That Horror Teacher
– Friend Request (DVD) = Winner: Darin Mauro-Brown
– Otis (Blu-ray) = Winner: The Gray Man Greg Bensch
– The Boy (DVD) = Winner: Dan George
– The Hunted (DVD) = Winner: Carl Davis
– Intruder (DVD) = Winner: Shockaswan
– Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (Blu-ray) = Winner: Matt Herriman
– Saint Maud (DVD) = Winner: Amateur Destroyer of The HorrorCast
– The Uninvited (Blu-ray) = Winner: David The Horror Mailman

8 Horror Criterion Blu-rays Give-away and Recommendations
Jay of the Dead: The Blob (1958)
Count Mackula: The Uninvited (1944)
Projectile Varmint: House (1977)
Gillman Joel: Carnival of Souls (1962)
Dr. Walking Dead: The Devil’s Backbone (2001)
Mister Watson: Videodrome (1983)
Dr. Shock: Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Jay of the Dead: Cronos (1993)

Horror Movie Weekly’s Criterion Give-away Winner: Billy D from Richmond, Virginia

To celebrate the launch of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies (and to help us get the word out to promote the new podcast), we are doing ANOTHER 8 Horror Criterion Blu-ray give-away. (Same 8 movies listed above!) All those who entered this contest are already entered and eligible to win the drawing during Episode 002 of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies. But hey, if you help us promote the new podcast by retweeting our official tweet or helping to generate some buzz and awareness for us, we will enter your name a second time into the raffle drawing! Thank you!

NEXT WEEK: Projectile Varmint’s pick for Episode 108: Censor (2021)

Original podcast theme music: Jay of the Dead

Links for this episode:

PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT: Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies

A MUST-LISTEN: The Wat-Zee Horror Show Ep. 019: The Others

Check out the Horror Movie Weekly Instagram featuring Suzie’s Horror-themed watercolor paintings!

Jay of the Dead recommends following @BeautyLivingDed on Twitter.

Reach out to Suzie (Projectile Varmint) by leaving a comment for her in the show notes for this episode.

Links for Mister Watson:
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show/Horror Corridor

Jay of the Dead’s other podcast: ConsideringTheCinema.com
Jay’s HORROR-only content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com
Ep. 037: Wat-Zee / Joe Pesci episode

Links for Channy Dreadful:
Check out Channy’s new Instagram: @ChantelSkates
Check out Channy’s TikTok
Channy on Facebook
Twitter: @ChannyDreadful
Jay recommends Channy’s Article on Cujo
Channy on Hereditary with Ron Martin on The Resurrection of Zombie 7 Podcast
Channy Dreadful Archives on The Resurrection of Zombie 7
Instagram: Strawberry Crush Creations

— BillChete and Lady Phantom’s other podcast:
Subscribe FREE in iTunes
Sign the Guest Book

BillChete on Letterboxd
Lady Phantom on Letterboxd
Jay of the Dead on Letterboxd

Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com

Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74


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Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
3 years ago

The annual top 10 is such a great resource. Thanks for the show, guys!

projectile varmint
projectile varmint
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaiju Nick

Thanks for listening. Love your loyalty and support. ✌️

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaiju Nick

You rock, Nick!

Sam from Snomonton
Sam from Snomonton
3 years ago

I hadn’t seen a lot of the movies mentioned. To be honest, most of the movies coming out this year did not seem to peek my interest. I gave several movies a shot based off recommendations, but disappointed in most. I did however enjoy enough to make a top 10.

10. Werewolves within 5.5*
9. Don’t Breathe 2 7*
8. Candyman 7.5*
7. Spiral 7.5*
6. A Quiet Place Part 2 7.5*
5. Antlers 8*
4. Halloween Kills 7*
3. Malignant 8*
2. Last Night in SOHO 8*
1. Psycho Goreman 9*

A lot of these movies on my list ended up being somewhat of a let down because I was expecting more from each. I’ve been anticipating Antlers for nearly 2 years and was hoping for much more monster. But , it was still a great film.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago

I dig this list!

projectile varmint
projectile varmint
3 years ago

I expected more from Antlers as well. I really wanted to get to Werewolves Within. Seeing it make your list just upped it in my cue. Thanks for listening and happy new year.

Pastor Matt
3 years ago

Great lists. I’m getting ready to watch my 50th 2021 horror movie in prep for my top 10 with Jackson and I feel like I still have so many to check out. In fact, just started “Blood Red Sky” and “The Medium” is up next. Keep up the great work and have a happy 2022.

projectile varmint
projectile varmint
3 years ago
Reply to  Pastor Matt

Thanks for listening. Hope you check out The Medium before our episode on it. That was one of my favorites to record.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago
Reply to  Pastor Matt

Can’t wait to hear your lists, good sir!

Nathan Bartlebaugh
3 years ago

Now that my list is mostly finalized, started tuning into these ‘Best Of’ lists. Great episode, and I can appreciate the pared down, only 10, no ties, no honorable mentions approach.

Awesome lists everybody! I truthfully hadn’t seen Blood Red Sky and had mentally relegated it to “second-rate Netflix” without even realizing I had. The fact it appeared three times here, and at the very top of one list, convinced me to give it a go and I was not disappointed. There’s a flair of the late 90s there I could really get down with, as if Wesley Snipes character in Passenger 57 turned out to be Blade. That it works dramatically was also a nice surprise, and I was relieved to find that it kept finding new things to do with the premise.

Loved seeing Titane, Broadcast Signal Intrusion, and Saint Maud in here. All three were those nagging watches that didn’t immediately blow me away but wouldn’t leave me alone until I came out loving them. Projectile Varmint, your list in general made me very happy with all the deeper cuts. I hadn’t even heard of The Mare before, but very much want to see it now. Caveat, Sator, and The Feast were all some very welcome blasts of psychologically infused folk horror, and they didn’t feel like repetition of what we’ve seen before.

Jay, you’ve convinced me to check out Separation. That’s another one I have been skipping over, while barely realizing it.

Now, I just need to catch up with that Censor episode. Happy New Year, everyone!

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago

Dude, I look forward to hearing your list over on Phantom Galaxy.

Yeah, man… Suzie impressed me with those deep cuts, and Jay blew me away with Separation. I skipped that one on account of the fact that nobody seemed to like it… except Jay, I guess. LOL.

Much love, homie!

3 years ago

I am super happy with Watson putting PG as his #1!!!! (especially knowing how his WatZee Party Horror Show cohost feels about it LOL). I knew he was one of my favorite podcasters for a reason.
There were some great picks on all your lists, and some I didn’t watch nor hear about. Broadcasting Signal Intrusion is at the top of my watchlist now. I was also happy Jay put Caveat on his list.

My Top 10 list below:
10. Malignant
9. Censor
8. Synchronic
7. The Vigil
6. Caveat
5. Howard’s Mill
4. The Deep House
3. V/H/S/94
2. Saint Maud
1. Psycho Goreman

I hope you guys review some of your Top 10 movies in the near future.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago
Reply to  GraveRobert

You rock, my friend! Excellent list!

Yeah, I seem to be surrounded by co-hosts on my various shows who don’t like Psycho Goreman, but… I have ANOTHER co-host who backs me up, and I have a feeling you’ll hear all about that soon! LOL.

Looking at your list, I am realizing that I need to finally check out Synchronic! I love those directors. Dunno why I haven’t seen it yet.