Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 115: Butterfly Kisses 2018

Keep your eyes peeled (as long as you can hold them open) because you won’t want to miss a second of the epic Episode 115 of Horror Movie Weekly, One Badass Horror Podcast. During this show, your late-night Horror hosts — Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson and Projectile Varmint bring you a Feature Review of Butterfly Kisses (2018), with special guest and veteran Horror host Dave Zee of the The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show and the Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast! We bring you all sorts of madness, including a nail-biting competition to see who can keep his or her eyes open the longest without blinking! Remember, you are welcome to call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 215-9704. Join us!

Note: This episode was recorded on February 16, 2022, and was released on March 14, 2022.

This weekly Horror movie podcast brings you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years, so now that it’s 2022, we’ll be covering Horror films from 2017 to the present.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening!


[ 00:00:01 ] – Introduction
— Welcome to Horror Movie Weekly Episode 115
— The proper name of the product “Cracker Jack”
— Special guest: Dave Zee!
— Projectile Varmint says check out Tarantula-tastic Enclosures on Facebook and on YouTube
— Dave Zee and Jay of the Dead are fond of feline friends
— Voicemail from Trey Whetstone from Columbus, Ohio, and Screaming Through the Ages
— Jay of the Dead appears as a guest on Screaming Through the Ages: Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Blob
— Jay asks Dave Zee for his take on the Comedy Horror hybrid subgenre
— Thoughts about the Found Footage filmmaking convention
— Listen: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show Ep. 013: The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007‪)

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES, a biweekly podcast where Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop, GregaMortis and Count Mackula review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments!

Jay of the Dead's New Horror Movies

– Mister Watson and Dave Zee’s pick: Butterfly Kisses (2018)

[ 00:35:05 ] – Feature Review: Butterfly Kisses (2018)
Genre Classification: Mystery / Supernatural Horror (featuring the Found Footage filmmaking convention)

IMDb Premise:
A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students’ disturbing film project featuring a local, supernatural Horror legend, “The Peeping Tom.”

Ratings and Recommendations: Butterfly Kisses (2018)
Jay of the Dead = 6 ( Rental for most / Must-see, Buy for Found Footage fans )
Dave Zee = 8.5 ( High-priority Rental / Buy for Found Footage fans )
Projectile Varmint = 7 ( Stream it on Tubi )
Mister Watson = 7.5 ( High-priority Rental / Found Footage fans buy! )

— BONUS: Dave Zee recommends “Alien Abduction” (2014)
— Dave Zee’s Two Truths and a Lie
— Jay recommends The Resurrection of Zombie 7 podcast: Ep. 386: The Hunted
— Hear the Wat-Zee Horror Show guys Considering HORROR Cinema: Ep. 037: Beware: Children at Play (1989)

NEXT WEEK for Episode 116: Strip Club Massacre (2017) – Jay of the Dead’s pick (because Mister Watson deserves it)!

Original podcast theme music: Jay of the Dead

Links for this episode:

Be sure to catch up with Dave Zee’s must-listen Horror podcasts:
The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
– Regular feed: Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast
– Patreon Feed: Exploding Heads Exclusive Subscription Feed

Oh, and don’t forget! Our very own resident Artist, Project Varmint, is running the Horror Movie Weekly INSTAGRAM page, where she paints a watercolor masterpiece to accompany our feature film review each week, so be sure to check out Suzie’s wonderful work by following HORROR MOVIE WEEKLY on Instagram!

Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES — A brand-new long-form Horror podcast with Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel and Dr. Walking Dead Kyle bishop. Be sure to subscribe to Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast on:
– Website: https://NewHorrorMovies.com
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts

A MUST-LISTEN: The Wat-Zee Horror Show Ep. 019: The Others

Jay of the Dead recommends following @BeautyLivingDed on Twitter.

Reach out to Suzie (Projectile Varmint) by leaving a comment for her in the show notes for this episode.

Links for Mister Watson:
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show/Horror Corridor

Jay of the Dead’s other podcast: ConsideringTheCinema.com
Jay’s HORROR-only content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com
Ep. 037: Wat-Zee / Joe Pesci episode

Links for Channy Dreadful:
Check out Channy’s new Instagram: @ChantelSkates
Check out Channy’s TikTok
Channy on Facebook
Twitter: @ChannyDreadful
Jay recommends Channy’s Article on Cujo
Channy on Hereditary with Ron Martin on The Resurrection of Zombie 7 Podcast
Channy Dreadful Archives on The Resurrection of Zombie 7
Instagram: Strawberry Crush Creations

— BillChete and Lady Phantom’s other podcast:
Subscribe FREE in iTunes
Sign the Guest Book

BillChete on Letterboxd
Lady Phantom on Letterboxd
Jay of the Dead on Letterboxd

Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com

Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74


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Trey Whetstone
Trey Whetstone
3 years ago

I loved the episode! You all did an incredible job as always. I loved hearing Dave Zee on the show. I’m just starting my journey through old Wat Zee Party episodes and it’s nice to know Dave and I have so much in common between the loving of found footage and viewing Argento as one of the greatest horror directors. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense voicemail too.

As far as Butterfly Kisses I’m much more in line with Dave as far as ratings. I can understand all the criticisms though. I just tend to be more forgiving of found footage movies. I do own this one on Blu ray and want to watch it again after hearing the conversation.

With next week’s pick I can’t say I’m excited, but I’ll try to tough it out and watch that movie just like Jay has forced you two to do. At this point the movie doesn’t matter. I just love hearing your conversations on them.

Projectile Varmint
Projectile Varmint
3 years ago
Reply to  Trey Whetstone


You have my permission to hate on Jay for next weeks episode. I still hate him for it. I definitely was a little too hard on Butterfly Kisses. I actually really liked it. I’m a hard ass.

Thanks for listening. Next week should be fun?

Trey Whetstone
Trey Whetstone
3 years ago

Haha I don’t think I’m prepared for that episode. I feel like it might break someone.

I think your score was still pretty fair. We need tougher critics to offset people like me who give out higher scores generally. It’s been a while since I’ve watched it so who knows. Maybe my opinion will change too.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago
Reply to  Trey Whetstone

Trey, you are a national treasure like Dave Becker and Dave Zee. Thank you for calling in. I can’t wait to mix it up with you one day soon!

And man… that Strip Club Massacre movie… I do NOT like hating on movies, but my goodness… Jay got his revenge here, but… at what cost?????

Trey Whetstone
Trey Whetstone
3 years ago
Reply to  Mister Watson

I don’t know if I belong in that esteemed company, but I appreciate it Watson! That voicemail was a lot of fun to record and man I would love to talk horror with you anytime any place! As far as I’m concerned HMW has an open invitation to be on my podcast any time.

Oh no. I’m envisioning you all being scarred and broken beyond recognition after that. I do want to hear the episode but not the permanent damage to your pshyche. Can we finally end this war between Jay vs Watson? Lol

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
2 years ago
Reply to  Trey Whetstone

Oh, my man… you are a podcaster who is rocketing up there with the greats like the Daves! LOL. We will mix it up soon, naturally.

As for the war between Jay and me, let’s address this and make some things clear here. 😉

When I brought Psycho Goreman to the table, I GENUINELY thought Jay might have a great time with his son watching this movie and would thereby expand his famously narrow horizons. I was wrong on all counts. And so… my authentic desire to present Jay with a fun movie led to his revenge plot. Good move there on his part… I will say that. He wins. But I’ve asked this before and will continue to do so… AT WHAT COST?

Trey, if you do watch Strip Club Massacre, I unapologetically encourage you to watch it for FREE by any means necessary. Do not spend a cent on this, sir. Much love, always. You are the best!

Trey Whetstone
Trey Whetstone
2 years ago
Reply to  Mister Watson

Oh I’m way ahead of you buddy. I didn’t pay a cent to watch Zombie Strippers and I wouldn’t pay a cent for this if I watch it lol.

The war with Jay comment was all in jest. I never thought you actually tried to start something. As always I believe you’re just trying to help Jay expand his horror horizons and challenge his beliefs of what he likes. No harm in that.

I liked Psycho Goreman fine enough myself and can see why people dislike it, but let’s be clear. There’s no way Psycho Goreman could be on the level of something like Strip Club Massacre. I feel like the whole thing is the equivalent of Watson accidentally shooting out a window in Jay’s house and Jay retaliating by bulldozing Watson’s house.

Hopefully this is the end of the “war” and my favorite podcasters can get back to covering their normal fare.

As always hope you and your son are doing well my friend!

PS: I just got to the WZ Party episode where you revealed how much you hate this movie along with a few others. Maybe keep that on the DL in the future haha.

Brian Munro
Brian Munro
3 years ago

Psyched for Strip Club Massacre. Sorry, Watson! Now when my wife walks in and asks me what the hell I’m watching I can blame it on you guys 😂.

Have any of you seen the Apostle (2018) on Netflix? I’ve been meaning to rewatch it lately. It’s a Cult Horror/Mystery starring Dan Stevens. I just thought I’d throw that one out there because I haven’t heard any talk about it and I thought it was a solid horror movie.

Also, I’m currently watching the series “Raised By Wolves” on HBO Max and I think some of you may like it. The first couple episodes were directed by Ridley Scott. I would say it has “Prometheus” vibes if you’ve seen that movie. It explores parenthood, spirituality, and what it means to be human. It is heavy sci-fi with some pretty creepy moments that would satisfy a horror lover.

Anyway I just wanted to throw those out there. Thanks for doing what you do!

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Munro


I LOVE Apostle! It made my top 10 of 2018, which is probably my favorite year of horror EVER! I mean that. That’s a movie I’ve thought about bringing to this show, and thanks to you… it will DEFINITELY happen!

I don’t know what Raised By Wolves is, but it sounds super good, and while I disagree with Jay about Alien: Covenant, I do quite love Prometheus!

Thank you for your kind words. It means the world to me.

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
3 years ago

Another Shape of Horror sighting in , “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death” (1971).

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kaiju Nick


Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
3 years ago

Shape of Horror spotted again, “Deep Red” (1975), right before the murder of Amanda Righetti.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kaiju Nick