“Guard the flame you blaze for it is windy in these last days.” Here in Episode 153 of Horror Movie Weekly, Jay of the Dead and Mister Watson bring you a spoiler-free, Feature Review of The Wind (2019), a film by Emma Tammi starring Caitlin Gerard. Mister Watson also brings you a Micro Horror Movie Review of brand-new holiday barn-burner, “Thanksgiving” (2023), and Jay of the Dead talks about the J-Horror chiller “Carved: The Split-Mouthed Woman” (2007). Oh, and in this episode, you will also learn about Jay and Watson’s very strange usage of William Friedkin’s “The Exorcist” (1973). Remember, you are welcome to call and leave us a voicemail at our working voicemail number: (801) 899-9798. Join us!
This weekly Horror movie podcast brings you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years or the current year; so now that it’s 2023, we’ll be covering Horror films from 2018 to the present.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening!
[ 00:00:01 ] – Introduction
– Welcome to Horror Movie Weekly Episode 153
– Jay of the Dead welcomes Mister Watson
Micro Horror Movie Reviews
Mister Watson: Thanksgiving (2023) = 9 ( Theater / Buy it! )
Jay of the Dead: Carved: The Split-Mouthed Woman (2019) = 4 ( Avoid )
– Mister Watson’s pick: The Wind (2019)
[ 00:18:26 ] – Feature Review: The Wind (2019)
Genre Classification: Period Drama / Thriller / Mystery / Supernatural Horror
IMDb Premise:
A plains-woman faces the harshness and isolation of the untamed land in the Western frontier of the late 1800s.
Ratings and Recommendations: The Wind (2019)
Jay of the Dead = 5 ( Low-priority Free Stream )
Mister Watson = 4 ( Avoid )
NEXT WEEK for Episode 154: Wintertide (2023) – Jay of the Dead’s next pick
Original podcast theme music: Jay of the Dead
Hear more of the musical stylings of Frederick Ingram:
– Website: FrederickIngram.com
– YouTube Channel: Frederick Ingram on YouTube
— SoundCloud: Frederick Ingram
And don’t forget to check out these new additions:
– Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies has a YouTube Channel!
– Gillman Joel’s Mom and Pop Video Shop YouTube Channel!
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES, a frequent podcast where Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop, GregaMortis, Mackula, Ron Martin and Dave Zee review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments!
Links for this episode:
Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES — A brand-new long-form Horror podcast with Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel and Dr. Walking Dead Kyle bishop. Be sure to subscribe to Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast on:
– Website: https://NewHorrorMovies.com
— Apple Podcasts
— Spotify
— Google Podcasts
— Deezer
— Stitcher
Links for Mister Watson:
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show/Horror Corridor
Jay of the Dead’s other podcast: ConsideringTheCinema.com
Jay’s HORROR-only content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com
Ep. 037: Wat-Zee / Joe Pesci episode
Links for Channy Dreadful:
Check out Channy’s new Instagram: @ChantelSkates
Check out Channy’s TikTok
Channy on Facebook
Twitter: @ChannyDreadful
Jay recommends Channy’s Article on Cujo
Channy on Hereditary with Ron Martin on The Resurrection of Zombie 7 Podcast
Channy Dreadful Archives on The Resurrection of Zombie 7
Instagram: Strawberry Crush Creations
Links for Projectile Varmint:
No Bodies Horror Podcast
— BillChete and Lady Phantom’s other podcast:
– Subscribe FREE in iTunes
– Sign the Guest Book
— BillChete on Letterboxd
— Lady Phantom on Letterboxd
— Jay of the Dead on Letterboxd
Follow Horror Movie Weekly on Twitter: @horror_weekly
Website: Horror Movie Weekly.com
Follow Lady Phantom on Twitter: @LadyPhantom74
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Yikes. The mini tirade about Bill gates at the end… we were just one degree away from hearing about microchips and adrenochrome. The theories about vaccines were not far behind.
Fred, you’re mischaracterizing my Bill Gates comments there, and while it’s cute… it’s ultimately unhelpful.
You seem to think that I talked crap about Daddy Gates because… why? Some “right-wing-conspiracy-theory” talking points that you imagine I actually believe in? Sound about right? I was honestly just messing around when I brought this up on the show, but… if you insist upon leaving low-substance comments like this, then you’ll get my attention.
Look, I don’t know nor care about “adrenochrome” & “vaccines,” but, Fred… don’t sit there and act like TIME MAGAZINE, SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE, FORTUNE, and just about every other major media outlet hasn’t run articles all about Gates funding microchip contraception over the last decade. Fred, it’s called Google. Try it out, buddy. You’re gonna love it!
While you’re at it… look up Bill Gates and his ties to Epstein & his funding of the military industrial complex. The New York Times, Washington Post, and all of those other pesky right-wing conspiracy rags talk about this stuff openly.
So, sorry to disappoint you in that I don’t care for the poor billionaire and that I don’t deal in fringe Q Anon rumors. Now what? Where do we go from here, Fred? Want a healthy Internet interaction? That would be way better than this, right?