Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 110: We Need to Do Something (2021)

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Welcome to Episode 110 of Horror Movie Weekly, One Badass Horror Podcast… Your intrepid, Triad of Terror hosts — Jay of the Dead, Mister Watson, and Projectile Varmint — bring you a Feature Review of We Need to Do Something (2021). And of course, your hosts bring you their famous Micro Horror Movie Reviews of… Read more »

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Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 109: The Medium (2021)

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Do you like scary movies? We have one for ya! This week with Mister Watson’s pick, he brings us a Feature Review of a Horror film from Thailand called The Medium (2021), and Jay argues that it has some “immoral filmmaking,” which of course, is characteristic of Mister Watson’s Horror picks… Welcome to Horror Movie… Read more »

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Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 108: Censor (2021)

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After an exciting Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021 episode last week, we’re back for Episode 108 of Horror Movie Weekly, where we bring you a Feature Review of Censor (2021). We also bring you our Micro Horror Movie Reviews and other amusing tangents. Remember, you are welcome to call and leave us a voicemail… Read more »

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Horror Movie Weekly Ep. 107: Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021

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Happy New Year! 2021 is behind us, and we’re about to embark on new Horror podcasting adventures in 2022. Welcome to Horror Movie Weekly, One Badass Horror Podcast! It is the highly anticipated, long-awaited Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021 show, Episode 107, featuring three very good Top 10 lists from your hosts, Jay of… Read more »

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Horror Movie Weekly Horror Movie Weekly! Exciting Update!

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Hello Patient Listeners of Horror Movie Weekly, Jay of the Dead here. My sincere apologies for keeping you waiting today. But here’s a great news update! 1.) Visit Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES.com and listen! I think you will really enjoy it! 2. HMW’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2021 episode will be… Read more »

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