Ep. 066: Contracted Phase II (2015)

I hope you’re wearing your PPE because Episode 066 of Horror Movie Weekly is infected. This week your three late-night Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead, BillChete, and Lady Phantom bring you a Feature Review of the icky Contracted Phase II (2015), the sequel to “Contracted” (2013). We discuss how we feel about the first movie and how its sequel compares. We also talk about getting grossed out while watching movies. And we even bring you some nostalgic video game memories, as well as our thoughts on gaming in general. Remember, you’re always welcome to call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 215-9704. Thanks for listening!

Note: This episode was recorded on November 15, 2020, and released on November 29, 2020.

This is a weekly Horror movie podcast in which your late-night hosts Jay of the Dead, BillChete and Lady Phantom bring you one recent Horror movie review every Sunday. (We’re defining “recent” as any Horror movie released within the last five years.) And we always reveal next week’s pick at the end of every show, so you can watch along with us and be prepared for the following episode. Join us, and thanks for listening! Continue reading “Ep. 066: Contracted Phase II (2015)”